Sunday, 9 March 2008

Greetings Comrade, Pleased To Meet You

As you might have noticed A La Fu has joined the ranks of The Earl Of Sandwich blog, I haven't had a chance to teach him how to post yet but I have been assured that he'll be skooled soon. In the meantime he's given us this live mix he did at Advanced Music: Pleased To Meet You in Moscow to share with you all.

I managed to get some words from Kenny about his recent trip so here you are:
"Minus 18...oocha. In true Scottish style the lack of foresight, nay, worry on approaching such an undertaking was truly scarce and ultimately a little foolish.

The assignment was to entertain a positively delightful young crowd at the ‘Pleased To Meet You’ night in Moscow. I’d been to Moscow before at a different venue and at another time of the year so I assumed this time of year would be decidedly colder. I read minus 16 and thought, yeah pretty chilly…the follow up then should have been; best get prepared…should have been.

My most modest of footwear and non-thermal gear did nothing to protect what was probably non-survival with 5 more minutes exposure inside the incredibly picturesque and symbolic Red Square. Still the first whisky in a (curious) wee bar we frantically found was the best ever measure I’ve had the pleasure of receiving.

The gig? Check the link for yourselves…and if you’re looking for a new, vibrant and diverse place to visit lets just say that once again I experienced some of the best hospitality from the most electrifying people in the world today.

I went to Moscow. There are no bears."

A La Fu

1 comment:

Kool Thing said...

Kenny looks like a tiny person there.